Day 30


This is a test using NeoCities API. Let's hope it works!

Mega Post: Days 5 - 29


It's been a while since I've posted. Didn't break my coding streak, but I definitely broke my writing streak... I think instead of posting daily on here, I'm going to post every time I complete something or learn a new concept, and leave the dailies for Twitter. Quality over quantity, or something like that.


So what have I learned since last time? I finished the last project in Udacity's Grow with Google course. Behold, my shiny new Pixel Art Drawer! The whole process went much more smoothly than I thought it would. Had one major bug. My first strategy, using addClass, didn't work at all how I planned so I ended up just changing the background color with the css method. I need to get it working on mobile still, but overall I'm happy with the result.

My biggest project has been remaking this portfolio/blog website! I really hated the first version, and I think it was so bad it was making it hard for me to improve on it. So, I decided to start fresh and I ended up with this. I am much, much happier with the result. Using my newly set up project template, I created my base folder structure, and got Gulp up and running with PostCSS, Handlebars, and a few other useful things. Now it's also completely mobile friendly!

Aside from those accomplishments, I've been slowly working my way through DevTips' Design + Code my Personal Website in 12 hours tutorials. It's really helpful seeing a whole project being made. It puts together all the little things that used to seem independent of one another.

The Future

My current plan is to completely finish this website. I still need to fill out the bio section and add a nav bar on this page. Also, I am going to integrate the Neocities API so it will be easier to upload posts here! My next major undertaking will be to learn MongoDB. I love Node JS so I guess this is the next logical step.

Thank you for checking out my site, and feel free to add me on Twitter if you want to connect or follow me my journey!

Day 4


I didn't get to spend as much time coding as the last few days, but I did get in an entire hour. I spent most of it working on the Udacity functions section. I started learning about React from this great Traversy Media tutorial.

Day 3


Today I spent a while working on this website. Set up a couple local custom fonts, worked on the main page. Going to go work more on Node!

Day 2


Today I worked on the JS loop portion of the Udacity Grow with Google program. I spent more time learning Node JS in a class taught by Andrew J. Mead on Udemy. One of the best video series I've watched. I made a web server and injected some code using {{ handlebars||. I don't know much about web servers and I'm excited to learn!

Day 1


Today I started the 100 Days of Code challenge. I thought a good first project would be to make a simple website to track my progress. Seems a little more fun that just pushing text to GitHub. This is definitely a work in progress and I can't wait to see where it goes.Also, I want to outline a few weird quirks and challenges and, hopefully, their fixes.

Having list items of an unordered list side by side horizontally creates a weird gap between the items in which the cursor changes.

To fix that instead of normally writing the the "li"s on separate lines like so

writing them with the opening tag on the same line as the closing tag on the element before fixes this gap.

I guess this concludes day one of the challenge. I'm very excited to see how this goes and to learn many new and cool things. Thanks for reading. I'll see you tomorrow!